Contact Us

Need a manual not listed, simply use this form and we will try to locate for you.

Before contacting us, please see the following FAQs:

Where is my manual?
If your manual was an immediate download, simply go, then click to Download. If it was not an immediate download, we will email you within a few hours, up to one business day when it is ready.

I clicked my manual to download, but where did it go?
Most computers have a DOWNLOADs folder. Simply go to it to locate your file, which could be a random set of letters and numbers or have the model number.

For the Android phone, you can find downloads on Android in My Files or File Manager.

For the iPhone, select “Browse” at the bottom-right corner, and then tap “On My iPhone”. Tap the “Downloads” folder. You'll see a list of all the files you've downloaded.

I am missing some of the pages, where are they?
Some larger format pages will be unzipped into the main folder and have the prefix, “SCHEMATICS” or “MYSCAN”.

What is the difference between a service manual, owner’s manual, supplement, training manual and tech sheets?
Owner’s manual are the books that explain how to operate the unit. Service manuals are for repairing the unit. Training manuals and Supplements are additional information to be used in conjunction with the service manual. Tech Sheets are 2 to 4 page sheets with servicing instructions for appliances.

What is your return policy?
We guarantee the quality of the service manual is readable. We cannot guarantee the information, as we did not write the manuals and can only supply what is supplied to us.

How do I unzip a File with the extension .zip?
Right click the zip file to unzip.

If  you still need to contact us, please include whether you are looking for a:

1. Service Manual, or

2. Owner Manual, and

3. The brand and the model number, or

4. if you have questions about your order, please include your order number.

Thank you.

TC Corp.
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Phone: (973) 328-7747 (For orders only. If there is a problem with the manual, please email us so that we can research the problem.)
