Blog posts of '2019' 'October'

November 2021 Service Manuals orders

Some Service manuals ordered from us via immediate pdf download will be shown in this Blog's thread.


Some recent popular manuals ordered:

Kenmore 111.73032910 and 111.73032911:


Samsung WTW5000DW3 service manual:


Whirlpool WRF767SDHZ01 service manual:


Samsung RF26HFENDSR Refrigerator:


DW80K5050US Samsung:

Service Manual FAQs


What are the main brands you sell service manuals for?

We sell for almost every brand but specialize in a Whirlpool service manual as well as Samsung service manuals, Maytag service manuals, Kitchenaid service manuals, LG service manuals, Sony service manuals and all the major brand's service manuals.
Where can I purchase appliance service manuals?

Our site sells service manuals for almost every appliance manufacturer there is. For appliance service manuals, we specialize in Whirlpool, Maytag, LG, Samsung, Kenmore, Frigidaire, Kitchenaid and Electrolux but have thousands of other brands.  
Where can I buy service manuals for consumer electronics?

We are the number 1 seller in the US, probably the World. We have a warehouse that houses filing cabinets for of our manuals that would fit two 18 wheeler trucks. For consumer electronic service manuals, we sell for almost every brand ever made and our inventory crushes any other sellers - not even close. From Aiwa to Zenith and every brand in-between, we are your go-to source for service information. We were the first and we are the best!

Why go with

There are numerous sites on the internet selling service manuals, why go with Believe it or not, this is an easy answer, I just hope most customers read it to see what they are in for if they buy elsewhere. Advantages of buying your service manuals from

  • We are one of the very few that offer immediate downloads.
  • We are also one of the very, very few to offer paper and pdf downloads.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: There are sites that try to lure you in by offering free manuals or cheap manuals. Many times they do not even have the manual, they just fool Google into thinking they do. Then when you are on their site they install spyware on your computer and degrade its performance. God forbid they have the manual and you download it, you are then in for a virus or two as well as spyware. We scan our files every day for viruses and malware. These other companies not only do not, they actually are free or cheap because they have spyware or malware included with their manuals to get data from you, for no extra charge (uggh).
  • We are the only major seller of manuals in the USA.
  • You cannot even contact the other sellers as they have no phone number, and do not return emails.
  • Stick with one company that has more manuals that anybody out there and equipment necessary to take care of any job. We are a large company, not a company that just sits in their basement with a scanner.
  • We not only sell the manuals, we actually have written a number of them. These are all OEM manuals, our company writes owner's and service manuals for consumer electronics.
  • We are one of the oldest sellers in the World on the net, selling since 1994!

Free sites versus Paid Sites

There are free sites giving away service manuals but a customer needs to be careful as these sites are free for a reason.These 'free' sites almost always contain malware and viruses when you go to their pages and/or when you download their manuals. We pride ourselves in having the latest equipment necessary for digitizing the manuals and have a warehouse big enough for a couple 18 wheelers for the manuals themselves. These sites steal the manuals we worked hard to digitize, add a virus or malware and then give it away. So not only does the customer get screwed with malware, we get screwed of the hard work we put into digitizing the service manuals. These sites all operate outside of the US and hurt the US economy. In fact, maybe they help it as the customers who get their manuals usually need to pay to have the computers repaired and/or anti-virus software.


Welcome! In this service manual blog we will be supplying coupons for service manuals, and correspondence as pertaining to We will also utilize this blog for quick links to order a popular Samsung service manuals, Maytag service manual for pretty much any service manual ever made. An example is the Samsung RS265TDRS service manual which can be purchased from us.

Followed a search link for a service manual such as Samsung service manual, Whirlpool service manual, Maytag service manual, etc? Simply use the QUICK SEARCH box on the TOP to search for your service manual.